My The following is from Terry's
My primary purpose in building this web site is to make a community
where you and I can share information about RAILROAD STOCKS AND BONDS.
collecting of North American railroad stocks and bonds is very popular
in the United States, Canada, Germany, and Great Britain. Nonetheless,
by comparison to the stamp and coin hobbies, we are spread very thin
We need someplace where we can communicate on an on-going basis. The
web is the perfect place, because distances do not exist.
Over the next few years, we can improve our collective level of
knowledge dramatically. Since I am one individual, I do not have time to
do things as quickly as I would like. So please be patient with me.
While you are here, please look around the web site a while. Bookmark
the places you might like to revisit. I will try not to change page
names, so you can return and not find a broken link. I am constantly
building the site, so you can always make suggestions about content and
I work under the assumption that I am only one tiny part of the
number of collectors who will extend indefinitely into the future. While
I have opinions, I never assume that I am correct more than about half
the time. In my world, YOU, and collectors like you, fill out the parts
and the information I miss. I depend on YOU to correct my errors and
When you contribute knowledge about stock and bond collecting, you
are helping every other collector out there. For now and years into the
Whether you are a raw beginner or a seasoned expert, I invite you to
join in. Click on How
You Can Help.
One final thing. I am a cataloger. I collect information. While I
occasionally buy certificates for my tiny personal collection, I am NOT
a serious collector. Nor am I a dealer (although I was in the business
back in the early 1990s.)
Therefore, I have no interest in pushing prices higher nor in keeping
them depressed. I report on prices as I see them. |